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About US


My journey into self-publishing began with a spark of creativity. The idea of creating a book for my grandchild was born out of pure love. I wanted to offer something meaningful, something uniquely mine. Armed with the graphic skills I had developed from designing garment labels for my small printing company a long time ago, and a heart full of love, I embarked on a mission to create a book that would introduce my little one to the world of learning.

Encouraged by the positive feedback from family and friends, I made a bold decision to take a leap of faith. Self-publishing seemed like the natural next step. I delved into the world of self-publishing, immersing myself in the intricacies of formatting, cover design, and distribution. As with any learning journey, I was, and still am,  faced with many challenges, from editing mishaps to navigating the complexities of the publishing industry.

It is a learning curve, but my determination to share my books with a wider audience remains unwavering. The moment I held the first printed copy of my self-published book in my hands, I knew I had discovered a true passion. The joy of sharing my work, not only with my grandchild but with the world, is beyond compare. Each book I create is a labor of love, a testament to my journey.

What I am learning is that creativity knows no age limits, and a passion once ignited can burn brightly for a lifetime.

I am truly grateful for your interest and support in my venture.